A Site for Me Jewelry Marks ____________
Barker & Barker, Providence, RI. BB Mark first used around 1922. -------------------------------------------------------
BB (Capital B's back to back) - Baskin Brothers, New York, NY. First used January, 1907. --------------------------------------------------------
Bastian Bros. Co., Rochester, NY. First used around 1909.
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Bayardi Bros., New York, NY. First used prior to World War I. --------------------------------------------------------
E. A. Bennett & Company, Providence, RI. First used 1892. --------------------------------------------------------
Benziger Brothers, New York, NY. First used around 1922. --------------------------------------------------------
Binder Bros., Inc., New York, NY. From about 1922 - present. --------------------------------------------------------
Bioren Bros, Newark, NJ. First used around 1904. --------------------------------------------------------
Bishop & Bishop, Newark, NJ. First used around 1922. --------------------------------------------------------
. Bliss Bros. Company, Attleboro, Massachusetts. First used 1896 --------------------------------------------------------
Bogle Bros., White River Junction, Vermont. First used about 1915. --------------------------------------------------------
Charles B. Byron Company, New York, NY. Succeeded Byron & Vail Company sometime before 1909. --------------------------------------------------------